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Instruction for Authors

Aims and Scope

Architectural Research is a refereed international journal, devoted exclusively to the art and science of architecture, urbanism, and architectural engineering. The journal is edited by the Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK), and published quarterly. The Institute was founded in 1945 and is now incorporated as a non-profit educational and scientific institution. The AIK serves as a centre for information on research and development in architecture, urbanism, and architectural engineering.
The scope of the journal involves the aspects of science, technology and art in architecture, urbanism, and architectural engineering. Therefore, architectural planning and design, project management, structural engineering, structural engineering, building materials, environmental engineering, information technology, and other fields related to built environment should be included in this journal. The editors welcome good quality contributions from all over the world.

Peer Review Policy
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least three anonymous referees.

Instruction for Authors

1. Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should meet the format defined by “Instruction for Authors.” The submitted manuscripts should be written and arranged in a style that is succinct and easily followed. An informative but short title, a concise abstract with keywords, and a well-written introduction are required to achieve this.
Simple language, short sentences and a good use of headings all also help to address and communicate the information more effectively. Discursive treatment of the subject matter is discouraged. Figures should be used to aid the clarity of the paper.
An acceptable manuscript must be based on a thorough knowledge. Only texts written in English language can be accepted. The language checking, proofread by someone skilled in English, is required prior to submission. The authors should match to the above requirements carefully throughout the paper.
2. Eligibility of Authors
Authors may submit papers to Architectural Research regardless of their membership of the AIK.
If multiple authors are listed, the first appearing author is regarded as a main author unless otherwise are informed. The corresponding author should be explicitly indicated, as “Corresponding Author” with a proper e-mail address on the left bottom side of the first page.
3. Submission of Manuscripts
Submission is available anytime, and manuscripts should be filed to the office through the online submission system of the AIK. The editor-in-chief, through the recommendation from vice editors-in-chief if necessary, assigns appropriate reviewers only through the online processing system.
If the decision is negative, the editor-in-chief recommends the authors to transfer their manuscript to another journal.
4. Treatise requisition expense
Requisition expense of treatise is 70,000 KRW and there is no additional charge.
5. Date of issue
Architectural Research is published four times a year on the March 30, June 30, September 30 and December 30.
6. Copyright
The copyright of published manuscript belongs to AIK by agreeing Copyright Transfer Agreement when submitting the manuscript homepage. In any case, author(s) do(es) not dispute(s) AIK's management of the already published manuscript. There is no limitation for the author(s) to use the manuscript for his(their) personal use.
7. Others
Other rules unexplained here are accepted according to general instructions.

Manuscript Format Guidelines

  1. Type Area and Layout : The manuscript should be printed on A4-size(210 x 297mm) paper. Leave 25-mm margins on top and bottom, and 16mm margins on left and right. Print the text in two columns, each measuring 82 mm across, with a blank space 6 mm wide in between. Insert and lay out figures, tables, and their captions in the text. and, Treatise must make out in Microsoft word.

  2. Typescript : The manuscript must be typed in English, using Times New Roman of 10point font size.

  3. Length : The submitted manuscript must not exceed 12pages, including spaces, figures, tables, and references.

  4. Title page : The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper title, author full name(s), position(s), and main author name, first position.

  5. Notation of authors’ names : Authors’ names should be notated in the order of the first name and the family name. The notation of the first name should be determined by the authors. (ex.)Kil-Dong Hong, Kildong Hong

  6. Abstract and keywords : An abstract and keywords should be included on the title page. The abstract requires a succinct and explicit structure that includes the aims, methods, and results of the proposed manuscript. The abstract must not exceed 300 words and must provide major aspects of the entire paper. Keywords of up to five words must be selected carefully to facilitate the visibility of the paper.

  7. Major Sections and Headings : The manuscript should involve the following major sections:
    1) Introduction: Describe the motivation or purpose of the research.
    2) Methods: Provide sufficient information to allow readers to repeat the work.
    3) Text: Text composes by 2 bundle, and a table or picture can compose by 1 bundle. Chapter topic and text at intervals 1line, and berry chapter relation at intervals 2 line.
    4) Conclusions: State conclusions concisely and without interpretation.
    5) Acknowledgements: Recognize any advisory or financial help received.

  8. Citations and referenced part : In principle, if there is an cited or referenced quoted literature in the text it should be presented by author's English last name and published year. Methods are as follows ;
    1) If it is at the beginning or middle of a sentence, present it as name(year).
    ex) Kim(2013) is..., Kim & Lee(2013) are..., Kim, Lee, & Park(2013) are..., 2) If it is at the end of a sentence, present it as (name, year)
    ex) (Kim, 2013)., (Kim & Lee, 2013)., (Kim, Park, & Lee, 2013). 3) If there are more than four authors, add "et al." after the first author's name.
    ex) Kim et al.(2013) OR (Kim et al., 2013) 4) If there are multiple literatures, they should be written in chronological order. If same year, write in alphabetical order by the author's name.
    ex) Kim(2009) and Lee(2013) are. or (Kim, 2009; Lee & Park, 2010) 5) If they were published at the same year by one author use "a","b","c" after the year.
    ex) Kim(2009a)

  9. Reference : All references should be typed in English behind the text and should be cited in the text. References should be listed alphabetically by first author's name, and the order of the contents must be : author's name, publication year, title, information on publication.
    1) Books
    Author's name (publication year). title. print edition, name of place, publisher, cited page number.
    ex) Lynch, K., & Hack, G. (1994). Site Planning, 3rd ed., Cambridge, MIT Press, 132. 2) Periodicals
    Author's name (publication year). title. Journal Title, Vol.(No.), cited page number.
    ex) Mylrea, T. (1988). Bond and anchorage. Journal ACI, 59(7), 71-75.
    3) Internet and electronic documents
    Author's name (publication year). title. Journal Title, Vol.(No.), cited page number. URL
    ex) Wheeler, D., & Bragin, M. (2007). Bringing it all back home. Health and Social Work, 32, 297-300. Retrieved January 20, 2013 from
    4) Write all author(s). If it is an article in periodical, the title need to be presented in a sentence. (the first letter and proper name must be capitalized.)
    5) In other cases, use the reference style as described in The APA Publication Manual(6th ed.).

  10. Endnotes : A limited number of explanatory endnotes are permissible. These should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, consecutively in the text and denote by superscripts. Endnotes should be listed at the end of the paper with numbers linked to those in the text.

  11. Mathematics : Number the equations consecutively, e.g., (1), (2) and (3). Make sure that subscripts and superscripts are legible.

  12. Measurement : International System of Units (SI) should be used; if other units are used, SI equivalents should be given in parentheses.

  13. Tables : Insert tables in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the tables consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Table 1. and Table 2. Make sure the typeface in the tables is still legible after reducing the table to the final size. Table title is situated in semantic representation top portion middle, and picture title marks by both order on lower column of picture.

  14. Figures (line art and photographs) : Insert figures in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Figure 1. and Figure 2. Make sure the typeface in the figure is still legible after reducing the figure to the final size.

    Copyright of Figures
    Reproduction of a figure means using a figure that has been previously published in exactly the same form. Adaptation of a figure means changing the previously published form, for example by adding or subtracting information. Both reproduction and adaptation of previously published work require copyright permission to have been granted.

  15. Color : Color printing is permitted at the expense of the authors. Color transparencies are usually discouraged because dyes in transparencies differ from those used in creating a print or proof.

Organization of Editorial Board

  1. The editor-in-chief is entitled to establish editorial boards.

  2. The term of members of editorial board is two years.

Review process

  1. This guidelines aims to judge the publication of submitted papers. The paper should show originality, completeness, academic achievement, and reliability.

  2. Review

    • 1) The editor-in-chief, with the help of editorial board, assigns three reviewers to review the paper.
    • 2) Reviewers should be assigned, in principle, from corresponding research area, as defined in the reviewing system. The editor-in-chief may find and assign appropriate reviewers if the current reviewer pool fails to meet the specific topic of the manuscript.
    • 3) Assigned reviewers have to either accept or decline the review within 10 days, and complete the review within 30 days after acceptance.
    • 4) Reviewers are anonymous. However, the review result and comments open to the authors to control the quality of the review, and assure the fairness.
    • 5) When two of reviewers decide ‘accepted (accepted after revision included)’ the paper is accepted. In this case, the result with comments of the rejecting reviewer is reported to two other reviewers who have accepted.
    • 6) The reviewer of the paper in re-review after revision should response in 15 days after sending the revised paper. Otherwise, the editor-in-chief decides the acceptance of paper.
    • 7) When two of reviewers decline the paper, it is rejected.

    Appeal against Rejection
    Authors have rights to appeal against rejection within 14 days after the decision is notified. The editorial board should held a special committee to handle the appeal. The decision of the committee cannot be appealed in this case.
  3. Decision Types
    Architectural Research has a range of different decisions.

    • 1) Accept
      Following peer review, the manuscript has been provisionally accepted for publication. However, before the manuscript is transfer to the production department, the editorial team needs to check the requirements for publication.
    • 2) Minor Revision
      The manuscript has a very good chance of being accepted for publication, but the reviewers have requested minor amendments to be made.
    • 3) Major Revision
      The manuscript has a chance of being accepted, but the reviewers have requested substantial changes to be made. The revised manuscript will be sent back to the reviewers. Re-review for the revised manuscript is allowed only once, and the final decision should be given among accepted, minor revision, or Rejected.
    • 4) Rejected
      The manuscript has been rejected as it stands. The reasons may vary as follows:
      Substantial changes required : The reviewers have requested very substantial changes that are too significant to warrant a revision of the article manuscript in its current form.
      Not in Scope : The content of The manuscript is not within the scope of the journal.
      Overlap : The manuscript contains text which appears to have been replicated from previously published paper(s). All manuscripts considered for publication in Architectural Research should report new research and contain substantial new results, and should not contain text directly copied from previously published work.
      Unscientific : Submissions should clearly demonstrate scientific rigour, extensive literature research and a careful assessment of the validity of any conclusions presented in the manuscript. The manuscript has been assessed and found not to meet these key publication criteria.

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